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Shadow Government Architecture: The Vaccine Perspective – NIA Research Team

Shadow Government Architecture: The Vaccine Perspective – NIA Research Team

Nations In ACTION presents a deep dive into how the Shadow Government used Deep State bureaucrats to inject the world with COVID-19 “vaccines.” Never before seen data and analysis!! The Deep State is facilitating a massive transfer of public resources to companies owned by the Shadow Government. We discuss how the Deep State gets installed and how they are rewarded for betraying your trust. Investigations into how international public policy is being Sherpa’d into the U.S. by our own bureaucrats. We must cease U.S. funding of most international and multilateral organizations or we will lose our country for good!!

A Minute with Maria – 8/3/2022

A Minute with Maria – 8/3/2022

Nothing like a good distraction?  What was happening before the Pelosi's Taiwan trip?   House passes the CHIPS Act (will negatively impact Taiwan) Increasing questions about Biden's health (COVID? Memory?) Whistleblowers exposing DOJ and FBI ignoring alleged...

NIA Shadow Government – Philippe Argillier, owner of the four databanks

NIA Shadow Government – Philippe Argillier, owner of the four databanks

#NIAExposesShadowGov with Philippe Argillier, owner of the four databanks.
@NationsInACTION Solutions Summit
Date: July 2, 2022.
Exposing truth: Putin cannot be controlled by the Shadow Government, Databanks ensure no French troops were sent to Ukraine to fight Russia. Gates and Buffet need audits. #NIASolutions Interviewers: Dr. John Diamond – Brighteon TV, James Grundvig – America Media Periscope, Jim of the Jim Price Show, and Congressman Paul Broun.