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VIRAL VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – Great Reset Advocate? – WEF 2020

by Feb 26, 2022

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Great Reset Advocate? - WEF 2020

Did Zelenskyy cash in with the globalists?  Did the globalists offer him guaranteed hero status (via their control news, social and traditional media, and other governments [Canada, France, Germany, etc.]) and wealth (emergency $$ to flow to Ukraine?), but ONLY if he engages in total war against Putin instead of reaching a peace deal?  If he did, then Zelenskyy will be required to relinquish Ukrainian sovereignty to the globalists (Great Reset agenda).

“This is just one of the example which confirmed that the present-day architecture of the world is unfortunately vulnerable and that existing institutions do not always work as efficiently as the presently demands them to do. The world needs rethinking… removing the rules especially the rules of International Security; the world cannot be cohesive only on Facebook.” – Volodymyr Zelenskyy

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  1. Pam S

    It sickens me to see so many fall headlong into believing that this guy is a victim just because media said so.