Just wanted to say:
1) thank you for your work
2) Patreon paywall for this interview is offputting – damages your credibility.
The message won’t get out wide enough through paywall systems. It needs to be shared freely.
on February 20, 2022 at 4:23 am
Having been in a few scapes with a very formindable advisory, I found the worst is when comms were down…Imagination running wild….time for belief and faith….Phillpe is eyeball to eyeball with ultimate ego and unlimited power…I have faith he wont be seduced….when you pray for his protection visualize an egg of protection around him, unstoppable, impeccable…and most importantly have faith he slays the dragon, ….. make his shot true its the only shot we have
on February 20, 2022 at 5:31 am
Maria, we are six months away from elections in Kenya. Our people are oblivious of the SG influence. How do we fight back?
Lisa Mayer
on February 20, 2022 at 6:13 pm
What about Canada??
Do we have any hope?? Or should we sell and move to another country.
on February 20, 2022 at 11:58 pm
what I was trying to convey, in the darkness of the night have belief in the out come, have faith it will happen…no matter what Hope comes from the Creator, for those who hold onto beliefs ,and have faith….the enemy is strong and roars like a lion…Hope wins in the end
on February 21, 2022 at 12:26 am
I think this information should be free!! As should we!! Very disappointed in paywall. You told us you would keep us informed of Philippes doings
were is Philippe Argillier ?
Just wanted to say:
1) thank you for your work
2) Patreon paywall for this interview is offputting – damages your credibility.
The message won’t get out wide enough through paywall systems. It needs to be shared freely.
Having been in a few scapes with a very formindable advisory, I found the worst is when comms were down…Imagination running wild….time for belief and faith….Phillpe is eyeball to eyeball with ultimate ego and unlimited power…I have faith he wont be seduced….when you pray for his protection visualize an egg of protection around him, unstoppable, impeccable…and most importantly have faith he slays the dragon, ….. make his shot true its the only shot we have
Maria, we are six months away from elections in Kenya. Our people are oblivious of the SG influence. How do we fight back?
What about Canada??
Do we have any hope?? Or should we sell and move to another country.
what I was trying to convey, in the darkness of the night have belief in the out come, have faith it will happen…no matter what Hope comes from the Creator, for those who hold onto beliefs ,and have faith….the enemy is strong and roars like a lion…Hope wins in the end
I think this information should be free!! As should we!! Very disappointed in paywall. You told us you would keep us informed of Philippes doings