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Global Leaders Strategize on Ending the Shadow Government: Part I

by Oct 16, 2021

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The Strategy Sessions: Part I

Philippe Argillier explains the Shadow Government and the dynamic power of the Databanks.


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  1. Jacque

    I thought Phillipe was going to meet with the 38 this past Thursday to give them an ultimatum? Did this take place? We are running out of time. We need this craziness stopped asap!!

    • ChristianMom

      Agreed!!!! They probably, ignored or declined his invitation.. will be curious to see his reply.

    • Karen

      You may want to watch the Stew Peters October 11th interview, And even listen to it more than once to fully grasp what’s going on. You apparently don’t understand all the governments of the world have been infiltrated and some even purchased.

      The corruption goes very deep. This has been going on for decades. And a handful of trillionaire’s at the top are in control, however they do not control the actions of the Criminal underlings totally.

      You said we need this handled ASAP. Our country was set up as a Constitutional Republic. That means you, I, and everyone else were supposed to self govern. We did not choose to do that. We trusted our Govt employees to be the Bosses of themselves.

      If we want to remain a free society we’re going to have to be responsible as in response – able for our Communities , Countries and the World.

      • Maria

        Exactly! However, we may need to discuss ( nationwide) how we need to “upgrade” our current Constitution or how we must go forward morally.

        • Tina Jose-Vecin

          That will be difficult to do because there are some people still sleepwalking!!

        • markie71 markie71

          The Constitution doesn’t need to be “upgraded”, our education system needs the upgrading to the point where Americans are better able to comprehend it.

    • Eve

      We have a group of exceptionally wealthy philanthropists who have undermined the freedom of the people. There are apparently around 38 of them….and thousands upon thousands of us. We should start our own unified philanthropy team (of thousands) and Build our own schools, hospitals, societies, etc, based on principles where all humans are equal in the eyes of god and justice, and with laws that are eternal and protect all people from tyranny, are carefully written and not contradictory.

    • Liam

      I have many questions regarding this proposal from Philippe towards the Shadow Government. The SG have had control over us for decades, they are not going to just move aside and let go of this power. I’m presuming these people are psychopaths, devoid of compassion, empathy and consciousness. They need brought to justice for their crimes against humanity and stripped of their wealth and assets, which they accumulated through illegitimate means. This wealth needs to be then distributed throughout society. With the poorest provided for first. That’s what I hope will happen but sadly remain very sceptical that true justice will be served.

      • Deidre

        One of the things the SG does truly fear is being exposed. Most of the ppl we know as the SG are at least one tier down from the top. This guy was offered like $30 million for those databases. The stuff on them must basically blow the lid off all this. I’m guessing he has a dead man’s switch. God can use humans to foil satan and his minions’, plans.

        Of course it could also be a load of shit. ??‍♀️

        • Elvan Qehaja

          He was offered 20 billion

        • Ellie

          I was waiting for someone to make that final comment. Ill never jump in feet first as there are so many lies and propagana with there twists and turns. Waiting for a competant Journalist to confirm or expose this guy. In the mean time, Im just reserving judgement and waiting to see what plays out.

          • Jill

            Aaron Russo, look him up. 2015 episode with Alex Jones.

      • James

        Totally agree with you.

    • IQ

      He most likely just shit himself.

    • Crystal Wooten

      Not sure but these people are probably the 13 bloodline families because they have controlled this world for decades and decades. I think it is naive to think they will do what’s right for humanity. At this point I think their crimes are such that they need to be publicly executed and not given any other option. They do not deserve to live after what has happen to the children under their direction.

      For me I don’t need to a trial for all other massive crimes, the children are enough to execute all these bloodline families and all their minions below them. The world needs to be cleansed of their evil Luciferian tribe. The only justice is their death. .

  2. ChristianMom

    Thank you, ALL, SO MUCH, for your bravery, conviction, faith, and stance in this shadow war!! You’re on the RIGHT SIDE of history… HUMANITY’S SIDE!!

    Philippe.. you explained, PERFECTLY, how their plans/agenda came about!! I’ve understood this through my background, and inner guidance, for some time. I explain it in a bit more of “layman’s terms”, though, with a few ” choice words” thrown in. I commend you for your diplomacy!!

    I will do my best to spread the news, and will be looking forward to the rest of these discussions! My prayers are with you, and for your mission, and safety!!

  3. ChristianMom

    PS.. I just saw I posted my comment at 11:11!!

    • HC

      Is there a significance to 11/11/21?

  4. Peter Mc Ardle

    When will Phillips tell us about he whole 38 of these demons so we can organise their downfall by whatever means.

    • Dee Kizzy

      He won’t. He is not going to reveal who they are or what he has.

  5. John

    I am beginning to believe the Frenchman more and more… I would like to hear the other sessions of thiev series tho.. Maria, I totally believe in you.. Thznk you for what you do.

  6. Paula

    I feel a great sense of relief and faith to know people who could simply enjoy their money and their own lives, care enough about the lives of regular working families and individuals to do this kind of work for us. Thank you from NZ xx

  7. Keith

    Please arrange a meeting between Kim Goegen, Life Force, and Phillipe. This will prove to be most beneficial for the well being of mankind and pave the road ahead.

  8. Dominic Sacco

    Sorry you want people to follow you and support this, but you are not going to release any information re the 38 or what the data banks hold….how can one follow if you aren’t prepared to release any information? if there even is a data bank…
    Phillipe is not prepared to release anything so i call BS…

  9. Kaycee

    Why offer these evil people any options at all, except to go to jail?? They are sneaky, underhanded, liars who by nature will do anything to escape punishment and retain their way of life. What makes you think for one second that they will comply and simply never do anything bad again? You will be played; they will fool you into thinking they are with you, only to plot together to overthrow you. I think there are a lot of holes in your plan. Don’t be naive!

    • Truthseeker

      If changing the world and getting rid of it’s corruptions are as simple as flipping a switch, it would have been done long ago. If there is a government by the people, the people has to be awakened, informed and empowered to support the executable strategy such as one presented by Nations In Action. How can you have peaceful and prosperous society if 60 to 80 percent of the leaders in all branches of the government are corrupt? There has to be enough people to reach a critical mass to overturn the system and to assure the conquering strategy is winnable and sustainable. Nations in Action has opened up a channel of communication and a spark of hope for those who are willing and ready to support the change. Each participant needs to do his/her part to spread the words – to awaken, to educate and to empower as many people as humanly possible via all possible means. Few are borned to be leaders but all can learn to be participants in making this world a better place to live, not just for ourselves but for our children and their children. The clock is ticking and time is running out.

    • Crystal Wooten

      Need to publicly execute everyone of these evil Luciferians.

  10. Chuck Cape

    Where is the evidence ?

  11. SCK

    Why not reveal the 38 members? Just let the world know exactly what is going on. Does Phillipe really think these guys are all going to relinquish the power they have? So if they don’t choose to become benevolent is he then going to begin releasing the data about them? The lid on this can of worms needs to be opened all the way, now! I don’t care if it wreaks havoc on the entire group of them.

  12. Carey

    Are we getting part 2?? Why was it even put into different parts??

  13. Judy M

    Thank you Phillip for coming forward. If there’s such an instance where we can feel and hear the world’s heartbeat it’s today and now here with you bring a beam of truth to every country.

    We are desperate to stop mandates. We are hand tied by the Globalist traders to our Constitution. We can’t match their money in political donations. I’m just a mom, a wife , a Christian women….how can we fight for our families?

    Did ANTIFA arise out of a particular warm torn country? Are they taking out their rage because of war in their country?

    More recently, why are. nurses and doctors being fired for refusing mandated injections then that same hospital hires nurses and doctors at higher rates plus gives them the option to choose if they want to be vaccinated? This is happening in at least Texas and Missouri. I have more questions but for now the immediate threats are our jobs.and livelihoods. May God protect you and keep your family safe.

  14. CK

    I just discovered this site due to the Stew Peters interview this week. I’m too new here to know if it’s legitimate or not. I really hope Maria and Phillipe are for real. But even if they are- I’m still skeptical this will work. The most damning info may be on these databanks but so what? Already, there are plenty of people accusing Bill Gates of genocide but the Mainstream Media just censors everything so no one is aware of it. Even if they hear it, most people are too brainwashed to believe it. I would love to be 100% wrong about this!

    • Erin

      When is part 2 coming?

    • Richard

      It is hard to see how much vague comments are made. Just say these peoples names and stop monkeying around. These people are killing innocent people and they will hang. So there is no need to make a deal and let them go. They have been using and degrading good honest people of the world. So name these evil people or shut up. Shame on you for being deceptive let’s get on with it.

    • Jacque

      I believe it is legitimate but I, like you, wonders if this will work? The Cabal has full control of EVERYTHING. We are all really hostages of the Cabal. They have the Military and every law enforcement agency, United Nations, media and the deep state all doing their dirty work. Who do we have left that will do anything about it? All we have is us and they have us censored so much that we can’t even organize an up rise. Stock up on food and get right, or stay right with God. We are toast!!

  15. Zannah Marea Charman-Lambert

    Please please please stop them now.

  16. C. Clark

    This “CABAL” should be taken down! These people will never change because THEY ARE PURE EVIL and Satan worshipers!!!! THEY ARE EVIL!!!!
    If you are waiting on some of these idiot brainwashed people to “ wake up” you will be waiting forever!!! THIS CAN NOT CONTINUE!!! IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW OR AMERICA WILL BE GONE FOREVER!! THESE EVIL PEOPLE ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE!!! THEY HAVE NO CONSCIENCE!!!!

  17. Me

    So you are relying on the conscience of people who have demonstrated (and you have confirmed) have no conscience.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    • Jacque

      I agree! They are giving them too much time to come up with another plot. They will end up with the data banks if he doesn’t act fast. You can’t bargain with the devil!!

      • Zakia Rahali

        Totally agree with you; however did not it occur to Philippe that these 38 minions have actually no power by themselves, and that they are under the control of reptilian factions (the Dracos ?). How does the disclosure of Philippe’s data bank affect these reptilians ? – Please see a remote viewing session about the subject here:

    • Francine

      These are psychopaths that need to be brought to justice. If these data banks are not made public, then Philippe is also guilty.

  18. Diane

    Praying for you, Maria, and everyone at Nations in Actions. Praying for Philippe and all of us around the world. Praying that God would bless your work and restore freedom. Praying that all would turn to God and seek Him. God bless you for the work you all are doing. May He protect you.

  19. John

    These people are evil not bored, this guy is full of shit.

    • ChristianMom

      I’m afraid, it’s BOTH

    • ChristianMom

      And, I, for one, BELIEVE HIM

      He has NO REASON TO LIE

      Once, you get to his position in life, lying is not necessary.. it NEVER IS.. just too many think so, because they have been DECEIVED by the “evil ones”

      We are ALL here to learn, and grow.. lying only hinders humanity’s PROGRESS.. Integrity IS KEY to our success in our evolution, and ascension ?????

    • HC

      Sociopaths are known for being chronically bored, as they don’t concern themselves with emotional ties or relationships.

  20. Laurel

    I first learned of you after Christmas on 2020 when you hand delivered the info to Pres. Trump from the Vatican’s satellite. That’s when I first donated to your efforts.
    Impressive, sorry the effort was thwarted by bad actors.

    How can P.Argillier manage these miscreants without them being exposed / any whistleblower will be silenced … suppose that all is being taken into account without exposing the means.

  21. Allie Gamble

    So… I really really want to trust and believe that this will make a difference BUT it just seems so much like an infomercial.

    This man has the goods on the 38 most powerful groups in the world yet he won’t say who they are. He wants “volunteers” to help yet they have to sign a document where he can sue them.

    He’s a billionaire but wants $10 donations to help save all of humanity.

    They cut the interview short for “today” to keep you coming back for more “Hopium”

    We are speaking about a highly organized group that has all the money and military and some guy with some data is going to ask them to stop, please.

    The whole thing is like a cruel infomercial market to those that are looking for hope during such terrible times.

    I really want to believe it but…..

  22. Steve Kennedy

    Trying to understand how leveraging the 38 to change their ways will be a more successful tactic than trying them and permanently imprisoning them for their crimes against humanity. If the case via the “databases” is solid their reign can end, plus their deepstate, social and mainstream media, puppet politicians, and influencer can all be exposed. Why do we want to have vermin like these people living amongst us? Leopards don’t change their spots. Why leave a threat in play to rise again?

  23. JT

    Since the shadow government is so evil and all-controlling, why would we just give them a pass? And want no conflict? And why would they suddenly walk away or cooperate and relinquish their power? None of that makes sense to me!

  24. Susie Kirschner

    I don’t know why you didn’t accept my previous comment. I hope that the shadow government can be taken down, but I don’t think the 38 are going to show their benevolent side and give up the power. What is the point of compiling the databases if they are not going to be put to use?

  25. Susie

    I have even contributed money to to
    help Maria continue the fight.

  26. David

    Not sure what the real goal here is for Philippe? If he doesn’t want any conflict with the 38 what is going to change? The agenda will go on as planned by these evil scumbags and nobody is doing anything about it. These asshats need to be threatened with their lives, their families need to be hung and everything connected to them burnt to the ground. That’s how you deal with scumbags. Period.

  27. John

    Your extremely slow approach to all of this is puzzling: * It takes one week to report on the fact that there is a billionaire to reveal all
    * It takes another week to get the billionaire on the phone just for Doug Billings and Maria Zack to see but his face is hidden
    * It takes another week or more for you to finally present this video of Argillier.
    * Why is this information not presented in a way that it is all summarized, the main points are delivered for all to understand?
    * Why is there an approach being used to allow the criminal billionaires to participate or not?
    * NOTE: While you slowly move along, every day people are getting poisonous jabs and people are dieing as slowly figure out the next step to do, and that next step has little action and few details. If this is legitimate, you need to speed things up, hire a PR firm to produce a LOT of videos detailing their crimes,. showing the proof, telling the criminal actions that they have committed, follow up on what Trump said WEEKS AGO about whether he wants to be a part of this whole activity.

  28. Linda Wolf

    I am struggling with the same ideas you mention. The Media does is a huge draw back for truth to move forward; They still deny any truth that comes out or they hide maybe 10% of the truth amongst the deliberate lies they endlessly promote in order to continually blindside the common masses. It is vexing to the soul and daunting to sane thinking people. I don’t hear/read anything that says Philippe is ardent to expose the truth as a major goal..

  29. John Y

    The Stew Peters interview confirms that a meeting was held Thursday October 7. While we would hope this information would “solve the election and other problems immediately it is clear that this will be a long and tedious process if it takes place and succeeds at all. Everything will happen in God’s time. The latest interview is dated October 16 and closes by saying they “will be right back with you.” Wish they had said when that next session will be held …

  30. Judith Chantler

    I’m sorry to say but this was a huge disappointment. Ditto the interviews with Stew Peters and Forbidden Knowledge. This amazing opportunity is going down the tube quick fast. Philippe Argillier appears to have an enormous amount to offer as does Maria. What were the generals doing there?
    Perhaps this may interest Maria and Philippe ;

    Riccardo Bosi is a former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. He is currently the national leader of Australia One.

    • Jacque

      What exactly is Australia One? That was a great video. Thank you for sharing. I hope Phillipe and Maria take full advantage and do what they need to do with the information. I think they should meet with this gentleman.

      • Judith

        Australia One is one of the several new minor parties standing against the current government tyranny supported by the three major parties. Ricardo Bossi started the party and is a standout leader.

    • Meg

      Yes, contact Ricardo Bosi from Australia One

  31. Leslie B

    As I’m sure most are aware, the shadow government wasn’t created overnight and with the evidence and the data banks Phillipe and Maria have, and the state of the globe in respect to Covid and the hold this shadow government has on the world, I’m sure they are urgently planning a strategy of how everything will play out but I’m sure it won’t happen overnight either. Although, I know ALL will certainly appreciate a very urgent STOP to the grip this shadow government has on humanity in regards to the covid mandates, loss of jobs, loss of income, business closures, the economy, ours and our children’s futures and quite possibly their next plandemic which has already been spoken of, etc! The pressure on humanity is unconscionable!.. God is great! God is good! We must have Faith! Faith in God and faith in the process! God bless and may he keep us safe in his loving arms! ???

  32. PJ

    Think long and hard here based on what is being presented by Maria Zack and Philippe Argillier. Please do not make any snap judgements.

    My guess is no one here can venture to guess what it is like to be a multibillionaire and a member of the elite top 38 richest families in the world. This group collectively controls trillions of dollars in assets. At this level these people became board many decades ago after accumulating all of their wealth, making money hand over fist, luxury toys / excursions and taste of raw power. Using various forms of extortion to get people below them to carry out orders turned into a more sophisticated hobby and morphed into some grand new world order plan. With extortion comes the use of Fear.

    Philippe Argillier sounds like a billionaire hybrid whistle blower with a different angle, his valuable databanks. Argillier wants for the 38 club to be transparent about what they have done, continue to do and encourage them to change history now, for humanities sack, all for the better good of man. Argillier will welcome additional whistleblowers at his level by offering to each access to his databanks. What Argillier is doing here is applying a soft from of extortion over the top 38 elite members. As the White Hats work hard to execute their stealth war plans to out the their power structures and take back our world, there is always negotiation between the top leaders of warring factions for some form of exit plan.

    Are the White Hats and the people of the world collectively strong enough to take on and topple the top 38 elites, death to us part? Are the top 38 elites determined and committed to ride out their storm with the White Hats and the people of the world in hopes they will still remain in power after all is said and done?
    In the bigger picture, this war is GOD versus satan, readers. GOD will fight to protect all of his children, no matter what. What will satan do?

  33. Karen

    Philippe Argillier Billionaire Frenchman’s DATABASES

    This interview to me is the most exciting of all the intel out there I have seen. And I have researched and viewed a ton of information. More hours and hours than most.

    Basically the way I understand it, the underlying strategy by the French Billionaire, Philippe, against the Globalist perpetrators is, anyone who wants to step forward as a Whistleblower in anything connected to the 38 Globalists, responsible for all of this due to their actions, will be supported with every bit of recorded info in the 4 data bases collected that can be used legally against the Globalists, and those Whistleblowers can even use that info to present to the World.

    If the 38 Globalists step
    Up and do the right things to turn this around by working alongside the Parallel Government’s White Hats, nothing in those databases will be used against them.

    Thank You Maria Zack, Staff, and Philippe for your efforts standing up for Humanity. In God We Trust. ? ?

  34. PJ

    Think long and hard here based on what is being presented by Maria Zack and Philippe Argillier. Please do not make any snap judgements.

    My guess is no one here can venture to guess what it is like to be a multibillionaire and a member of the elite top 38 richest families in the world. This group collectively controls trillions of dollars in assets. At this level these people became board many decades ago after accumulating all of their wealth, making money hand over fist, luxury toys / excursions and taste of raw power. Using various forms of extortion to get people below them to carry out orders turned into a more sophisticated hobby and morphed into some grand new world order plan. With extortion comes the use of Fear.

    Philippe Argillier sounds like a billionaire hybrid whistle blower with a different angle, his valuable databanks. Argillier wants for the 38 club to be transparent about what they have done, continue to do and encourage them to change history now, for humanities sack, all for the better good of man. Argillier will welcome additional whistleblowers at his level by offering to each access to his databanks. What Argillier is doing here is applying a soft from of extortion over the top 38 elite members. As the White Hats work hard to execute their stealth war plans to out the their power structures and take back our world, there is always negotiation between the top leaders of warring factions for some form of exit plan.

    Are the White Hats and the people of the world collectively strong enough to take on and topple the top 38 elites, death to us part? Are the top 38 elites determined and committed to ride out their storm with the White Hats and the people of the world in hopes they will still remain in power after all is said and done?

    In the bigger picture, this war is GOD versus satan readers. GOD will fight to protect all of his children, no matter what. What will satan do?

  35. Judy Becker

    I think deep down all of us know and have known about the corruption in our world – it’s not new – thousands of years. Everywhere we look – our water is polluted, our soil is polluted, our air is polluted, the food in our grocery stores is polluted, the list goes on and on. Are we really shocked by all this. A very few brave people have tried to expose this corruption only to be called names (conspiracy theorists) and ignored by the general public, yet if they had the backing of all humans on this planet the corruption would not exist. We sit in front of our TV’s and soak up the lies and propaganda waiting for someone to tell us what to do next (eat this junk, shop at this store, take these pills, put on a mask, take it off, don’t visit Grandma, go visit Grandma, get a jab, get another jab, blah blah) We the people should be ashamed of ourselves, instead of looking at these brave people and criticizing them we should step up and do something ourselves, help them by doing our part.

    I personally would like to thank all of you from the depths of my heart for your bravery and dedication to all of humanity. I do not have the experience to fully understand what needs to be done, but I do know that you need help from all of us.

  36. David Fussell

    Hello Nations in Action,
    I have watched and listened to Shadow Government Part 1. Where can I find the other Parts?

  37. John Doe

    I listened to the Part II and noticed one important message. The French man said in the beginning aloud to the listeners but more importantly to the 38 or so evil doers he doesn’t want to create conflict. That is awful. Of course, you want to create conflict with those corrupt minded individuals who have controlled and destroyed America through pain and suffering. Philippe Argillier cannot be a wimp and give in! All those Jack Assess need to be exposed and he needs to unload and reveal whom these evil people are and hold their sorry assess accountable. Just like President Trump said to the Taliban leader not to mess with our people. If you do, we will come after you with brute force, fast and furious. That is why other countries are taking advantage of America because of how weak administrator Biden (Not my President!) and other weak, WOKE, RINO and radical Libs are. Nothing will ever change, and I suspect unless Philippe grows a backbone all we’ve learned is the same message over and over. That is why Doug Billing’s decided not to host Maria Zack anymore due to words, no action. I do admire Maria’s work but as a citizen of the USA let’s go after these Bastards ASAP! Why wait! The 2020 Presidential election fraud and coverup of the China virus all needs to be made public NOW!

  38. Suz

    I’ve now listened to three of these interviews looking for the last two. Something that I find most disturbing as I feel the Generals do as well, is that Philippe speaks as though he does not want any accountability for these people who are responsible undoubtedly for the deaths of millions of people to this very day! I am dealing with their second bioweapon of Covid that has activated my first bioweapon of Lyme disease that has been in remission! I will not take their deadly jab! There is no time for this drip drip ,,, I am waiting on this, or I am waiting on that! THEY ARE KILLING PEOPLE! THEY ARE EVIL PERSONIFIED! I WANT NO PART OF THEM.. I DO NOT WANT AMERICA TO WORK WITH THEMTO WORK THIS OUT! I WANT THEM TO HANG AND TO FACE COURT MARSHALLS AT GITMO! I WANT US TO BE RID OF THEM. MY CHILDREN ARE ALL MILITARY.. THEY HAVE DEPLOYED – THEIR LIVES MEANING NOTHING TO THESE MONSTERS! THIS IS NOT A GAME! CAN EVERYONE NOT SEE THAT THEY HAVE DROPPED A BOMB ON ARLINGTON CEMETARY? ONE OF MY SOLDIERS GETTING READY TO RETIRE IN FEB AFTER SERVING THIS COUNTRY FOR 23 YEARS, HE IS STILL BEING FORCED TO TAKE THE JAB OR LOOSE EVERYTHING,,RETIREMENT AND THE HOUSE HE IS BUILDING. ONE WILL WALK AWAY AFTER 17 YEARS OF SERVICE! TWO TOO YOUNG TO EVEN BEGIN TO REALIZE WHAT THIS JAB HAS DONE TO THEM! AND THEY ARE COMING AFTER MY GRANDSON! WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO PLAY PATTI CAKE WITH MONSTERS! RELEASE WHAT YOU HAVE AND LETS GET ON WITH THIS! HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY BE WORSE?????

  39. Dorothy Greenaway

    The deep state is already murdering We the People with these Bio weapons they call Vaccines. Daily they watch from their towers as We the People squirm to fight the tyranny they are placing on us daily. There is no way these EVIL elites care enough to deal with Philippe. They are destroying Humans at such a fast rate that they are not worried if you release any info off those databases…They have no feelings. They are Demonic in every sense of the word ! They must be held accountable for the heartache they caused in the name of “being Bored” come on Man !

  40. Valarie Dary

    Why so short a segment? And where are the following interviews? We’ve been waiting a long time for this!
    I thought you were sending a letter to trump to get him on board. What happened with that? And most importantly, when will we see more? How long do we have to wait.

  41. Azza

    The Deep state was absolutely behind 911. For starters controlled demolition is scientifically proven and the logistics of that implies at least some inside collusion, if not a complete inside job. Qui bono? Obviously it was done to get the public behind the invasion of Iraq to secure the petrodollar interests and the oil pipeline etc.
    It was also done to enable the Patriot act destruction of individual rights in the name of the fictional ‘terrorism’.

  42. KSQT

    In my opinion, this is not going to happen overnight and this cause needs our support. Share all the information and see what WE can do to UNITE others and have them face this truth, along with the fact that Covid has NEVER been isolated and is part of this scam. Keep your cash and use in your communities to help thwart their agenda. We greatly outnumber the “38” we’ve got to deal with, IGNORING THEM IS ALSO CRUCIAL. NO ONE OBEYS, SOON NO ONE GIVES ORDERS…..UNITED WE WIN.

  43. QHHT

    Wow, wonderful blog layout! How long have you been running a blog for? you made blogging glance easy. The whole look of your web site is great, as neatly as the content material!!

    • Joyce N.

      I may be wrong about this and probably am… here’s my two cents on it I’m guessing that he’s taking this route because this corruption has infected so people in us an other countries, to try and bring this shadow gov down probably wouldn’t even make a dent towards dismantled shadow gov, our justice system is no more, we do not have eough left that to bring these 38 evil elites to justice. His choice would be the least bloodiest compared to other alternative. It took years for this shadow gov to establish itself and its players, we have to be very careful in how we deal with it. Seems like bringing them accountable is pretty much off the table, but maybe for a good reason. We all know what they are capable of.This gentlemen is trying to save lives perhaps.we should pray! pray! pray!